Suya: This is a skewered meat dish that is coated with a dry rub called Yaji and then barbecued. Yaji is made with groundnut powder, ginger, garlic, salt and chili pepper

Pepper soup: This is a hot and spicy soup that can be made with different kinds of meat or fish. It is seasoned with spices like calabash nutmeg, alligator pepper, cloves and scotch bonnet

Asun: This is a dish of smoked goat meat that is chopped into small pieces and stir-fried with onions and scotch bonnet peppers

Ayamase (Ofada stew): This is a green stew made with unripe bell peppers, locust beans, palm oil and assorted meats. It is usually served with ofada rice which is a local variety of rice

Ata din din: This is a fried pepper sauce that can be eaten with rice, yam or plantain. It is made with tomatoes, onions, scotch bonnet peppers, vegetable oil and salt

Agoyin pepper: This is a spicy sauce that is served with agoyin beans which are cooked until soft and mashed. The sauce is made with dried chili peppers, palm oil, onions and salt

Jollof rice: This is a popular rice dish that is cooked in a tomato-based sauce with spices like curry powder, thyme, bay leaf and chili pepper. It can be accompanied by chicken, beef or fish

Egusi soup: This is a thick soup made with ground melon seeds, palm oil, vegetables and meat or fish. It can be eaten with fufu which are starchy doughs made from cassava or yam flour

Banga soup: This is another thick soup made with palm fruit extract, beef or dried fish, vegetables and spices like alligator pepper and calabash nutmeg. It can also be eaten with fufu or starch which is another type of dough made from cassava starch

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