Plaine des Sables is a volcanic desert located on the island of Réunion in the Indian Ocean.

 The Plaine des Sables covers an area of approximately 37 square kilometers and is located in the center of the island.

The desert is characterized by its barren and rugged landscape, with black volcanic rocks and sand covering much of the region.

The Plaine des Sables is home to several volcanic peaks, including Piton des Neiges, which is the highest point on Réunion Island

The region has a unique climate, with temperatures that can range from freezing to over 40°C, depending on the time of day and the season.

Despite the harsh conditions, the Plaine des Sables is home to several species of wildlife, including endemic birds, reptiles, and insects.

The desert is also a popular destination for hikers and trekkers, who come to explore the rugged terrain and enjoy the stunning views of the surrounding mountains.

 The Plaine des Sables has a rich geological history, with volcanic activity dating back millions of years.

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